# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Optional
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from supar.modules.mlp import MLP
[docs]class Biaffine(nn.Module):
Biaffine layer for first-order scoring :cite:`dozat-etal-2017-biaffine`.
This function has a tensor of weights :math:`W` and bias terms if needed.
The score :math:`s(x, y)` of the vector pair :math:`(x, y)` is computed as :math:`x^T W y / d^s`,
where `d` and `s` are vector dimension and scaling factor respectively.
:math:`x` and :math:`y` can be concatenated with bias terms.
n_in (int):
The size of the input feature.
n_out (int):
The number of output channels.
n_proj (Optional[int]):
If specified, applies MLP layers to reduce vector dimensions. Default: ``None``.
dropout (Optional[float]):
If specified, applies a :class:`SharedDropout` layer with the ratio on MLP outputs. Default: 0.
scale (float):
Factor to scale the scores. Default: 0.
bias_x (bool):
If ``True``, adds a bias term for tensor :math:`x`. Default: ``True``.
bias_y (bool):
If ``True``, adds a bias term for tensor :math:`y`. Default: ``True``.
decompose (bool):
If ``True``, represents the weight as the product of 2 independent matrices. Default: ``False``.
init (Callable):
Callable initialization method. Default: `nn.init.zeros_`.
def __init__(
n_in: int,
n_out: int = 1,
n_proj: Optional[int] = None,
dropout: Optional[float] = 0,
scale: int = 0,
bias_x: bool = True,
bias_y: bool = True,
decompose: bool = False,
init: Callable = nn.init.zeros_
) -> Biaffine:
self.n_in = n_in
self.n_out = n_out
self.n_proj = n_proj
self.dropout = dropout
self.scale = scale
self.bias_x = bias_x
self.bias_y = bias_y
self.decompose = decompose
self.init = init
if n_proj is not None:
self.mlp_x, self.mlp_y = MLP(n_in, n_proj, dropout), MLP(n_in, n_proj, dropout)
self.n_model = n_proj or n_in
if not decompose:
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_out, self.n_model + bias_x, self.n_model + bias_y))
self.weight = nn.ParameterList((nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_out, self.n_model + bias_x)),
nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_out, self.n_model + bias_y))))
def __repr__(self):
s = f"n_in={self.n_in}"
if self.n_out > 1:
s += f", n_out={self.n_out}"
if self.n_proj is not None:
s += f", n_proj={self.n_proj}"
if self.dropout > 0:
s += f", dropout={self.dropout}"
if self.scale != 0:
s += f", scale={self.scale}"
if self.bias_x:
s += f", bias_x={self.bias_x}"
if self.bias_y:
s += f", bias_y={self.bias_y}"
if self.decompose:
s += f", decompose={self.decompose}"
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({s})"
def reset_parameters(self):
if self.decompose:
for i in self.weight:
[docs] def forward(
x: torch.Tensor,
y: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
x (torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, n_in]``.
y (torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, n_in]``.
A scoring tensor of shape ``[batch_size, n_out, seq_len, seq_len]``.
If ``n_out=1``, the dimension for ``n_out`` will be squeezed automatically.
if hasattr(self, 'mlp_x'):
x, y = self.mlp_x(x), self.mlp_y(y)
if self.bias_x:
x = torch.cat((x, torch.ones_like(x[..., :1])), -1)
if self.bias_y:
y = torch.cat((y, torch.ones_like(y[..., :1])), -1)
# [batch_size, n_out, seq_len, seq_len]
if self.decompose:
wx = torch.einsum('bxi,oi->box', x, self.weight[0])
wy = torch.einsum('byj,oj->boy', y, self.weight[1])
s = torch.einsum('box,boy->boxy', wx, wy)
s = torch.einsum('bxi,oij,byj->boxy', x, self.weight, y)
return s.squeeze(1) / self.n_in ** self.scale
[docs]class Triaffine(nn.Module):
Triaffine layer for second-order scoring :cite:`zhang-etal-2020-efficient,wang-etal-2019-second`.
This function has a tensor of weights :math:`W` and bias terms if needed.
The score :math:`s(x, y, z)` of the vector triple :math:`(x, y, z)` is computed as :math:`x^T z^T W y / d^s`,
where `d` and `s` are vector dimension and scaling factor respectively.
:math:`x` and :math:`y` can be concatenated with bias terms.
n_in (int):
The size of the input feature.
n_out (int):
The number of output channels.
n_proj (Optional[int]):
If specified, applies MLP layers to reduce vector dimensions. Default: ``None``.
dropout (Optional[float]):
If specified, applies a :class:`SharedDropout` layer with the ratio on MLP outputs. Default: 0.
scale (float):
Factor to scale the scores. Default: 0.
bias_x (bool):
If ``True``, adds a bias term for tensor :math:`x`. Default: ``False``.
bias_y (bool):
If ``True``, adds a bias term for tensor :math:`y`. Default: ``False``.
decompose (bool):
If ``True``, represents the weight as the product of 3 independent matrices. Default: ``False``.
init (Callable):
Callable initialization method. Default: `nn.init.zeros_`.
def __init__(
n_in: int,
n_out: int = 1,
n_proj: Optional[int] = None,
dropout: Optional[float] = 0,
scale: int = 0,
bias_x: bool = False,
bias_y: bool = False,
decompose: bool = False,
init: Callable = nn.init.zeros_
) -> Triaffine:
self.n_in = n_in
self.n_out = n_out
self.n_proj = n_proj
self.dropout = dropout
self.scale = scale
self.bias_x = bias_x
self.bias_y = bias_y
self.decompose = decompose
self.init = init
if n_proj is not None:
self.mlp_x = MLP(n_in, n_proj, dropout)
self.mlp_y = MLP(n_in, n_proj, dropout)
self.mlp_z = MLP(n_in, n_proj, dropout)
self.n_model = n_proj or n_in
if not decompose:
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_out, self.n_model + bias_x, self.n_model, self.n_model + bias_y))
self.weight = nn.ParameterList((nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_out, self.n_model + bias_x)),
nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_out, self.n_model)),
nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_out, self.n_model + bias_y))))
def __repr__(self):
s = f"n_in={self.n_in}"
if self.n_out > 1:
s += f", n_out={self.n_out}"
if self.n_proj is not None:
s += f", n_proj={self.n_proj}"
if self.dropout > 0:
s += f", dropout={self.dropout}"
if self.scale != 0:
s += f", scale={self.scale}"
if self.bias_x:
s += f", bias_x={self.bias_x}"
if self.bias_y:
s += f", bias_y={self.bias_y}"
if self.decompose:
s += f", decompose={self.decompose}"
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({s})"
def reset_parameters(self):
if self.decompose:
for i in self.weight:
[docs] def forward(
x: torch.Tensor,
y: torch.Tensor,
z: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
x (torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, n_in]``.
y (torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, n_in]``.
z (torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, n_in]``.
A scoring tensor of shape ``[batch_size, n_out, seq_len, seq_len, seq_len]``.
If ``n_out=1``, the dimension for ``n_out`` will be squeezed automatically.
if hasattr(self, 'mlp_x'):
x, y, z = self.mlp_x(x), self.mlp_y(y), self.mlp_z(y)
if self.bias_x:
x = torch.cat((x, torch.ones_like(x[..., :1])), -1)
if self.bias_y:
y = torch.cat((y, torch.ones_like(y[..., :1])), -1)
# [batch_size, n_out, seq_len, seq_len, seq_len]
if self.decompose:
wx = torch.einsum('bxi,oi->box', x, self.weight[0])
wz = torch.einsum('bzk,ok->boz', z, self.weight[1])
wy = torch.einsum('byj,oj->boy', y, self.weight[2])
s = torch.einsum('box,boz,boy->bozxy', wx, wz, wy)
w = torch.einsum('bzk,oikj->bozij', z, self.weight)
s = torch.einsum('bxi,bozij,byj->bozxy', x, w, y)
return s.squeeze(1) / self.n_in ** self.scale