Source code for supar.utils.field

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from import Dataset
from supar.utils.embed import Embedding
from supar.utils.fn import pad
from supar.utils.logging import progress_bar
from supar.utils.parallel import wait
from supar.utils.vocab import Vocab

[docs]class RawField(object): r""" Defines a general datatype. A :class:`RawField` object does not assume any property of the datatype and it holds parameters relating to how a datatype should be processed. Args: name (str): The name of the field. fn (function): The function used for preprocessing the examples. Default: ``None``. """ def __init__(self, name: str, fn: Optional[Callable] = None) -> RawField: = name self.fn = fn def __repr__(self): return f"({}): {self.__class__.__name__}()" def preprocess(self, sequence: Iterable) -> Iterable: return self.fn(sequence) if self.fn is not None else sequence def transform(self, sequences: Iterable[List]) -> Iterable[List]: return (self.preprocess(seq) for seq in sequences) def compose(self, sequences: Iterable[List]) -> Iterable[List]: return sequences
[docs]class Field(RawField): r""" Defines a datatype together with instructions for converting to :class:`~torch.Tensor`. :class:`Field` models common text processing datatypes that can be represented by tensors. It holds a :class:`~supar.utils.vocab.Vocab` object that defines the set of possible values for elements of the field and their corresponding numerical representations. The :class:`Field` object also holds other parameters relating to how a datatype should be numericalized, such as a tokenization method. Args: name (str): The name of the field. pad_token (str): The string token used as padding. Default: ``None``. unk_token (str): The string token used to represent OOV words. Default: ``None``. bos_token (str): A token that will be prepended to every example using this field, or ``None`` for no `bos_token`. Default: ``None``. eos_token (str): A token that will be appended to every example using this field, or ``None`` for no `eos_token`. lower (bool): Whether to lowercase the text in this field. Default: ``False``. use_vocab (bool): Whether to use a :class:`~supar.utils.vocab.Vocab` object. If ``False``, the data in this field should already be numerical. Default: ``True``. tokenize (function): The function used to tokenize strings using this field into sequential examples. Default: ``None``. fn (function): The function used for preprocessing the examples. Default: ``None``. """ def __init__( self, name: str, pad: Optional[str] = None, unk: Optional[str] = None, bos: Optional[str] = None, eos: Optional[str] = None, lower: bool = False, use_vocab: bool = True, tokenize: Optional[Callable] = None, fn: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> Field: = name self.pad = pad self.unk = unk self.bos = bos self.eos = eos self.lower = lower self.use_vocab = use_vocab self.tokenize = tokenize self.fn = fn self.specials = [token for token in [pad, unk, bos, eos] if token is not None] def __repr__(self): s, params = f"({}): {self.__class__.__name__}(", [] if hasattr(self, 'vocab'): params.append(f"vocab_size={len(self.vocab)}") if self.pad is not None: params.append(f"pad={self.pad}") if self.unk is not None: params.append(f"unk={self.unk}") if self.bos is not None: params.append(f"bos={self.bos}") if self.eos is not None: params.append(f"eos={self.eos}") if self.lower: params.append(f"lower={self.lower}") if not self.use_vocab: params.append(f"use_vocab={self.use_vocab}") return s + ', '.join(params) + ')' @property def pad_index(self): if self.pad is None: return 0 if hasattr(self, 'vocab'): return self.vocab[self.pad] return self.specials.index(self.pad) @property def unk_index(self): if self.unk is None: return 0 if hasattr(self, 'vocab'): return self.vocab[self.unk] return self.specials.index(self.unk) @property def bos_index(self): if hasattr(self, 'vocab'): return self.vocab[self.bos] return self.specials.index(self.bos) @property def eos_index(self): if hasattr(self, 'vocab'): return self.vocab[self.eos] return self.specials.index(self.eos) @property def device(self): return 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
[docs] def preprocess(self, data: Union[str, Iterable]) -> Iterable: r""" Loads a single example and tokenize it if necessary. The sequence will be first passed to ``fn`` if available. If ``tokenize`` is not None, the input will be tokenized. Then the input will be lowercased optionally. Args: data (Union[str, Iterable]): The data to be preprocessed. Returns: A list of preprocessed sequence. """ if self.fn is not None: data = self.fn(data) if self.tokenize is not None: data = self.tokenize(data) if self.lower: data = [str.lower(token) for token in data] return data
[docs] def build( self, data: Union[Dataset, Iterable[Dataset]], min_freq: int = 1, embed: Optional[Embedding] = None, norm: Callable = None ) -> Field: r""" Constructs a :class:`~supar.utils.vocab.Vocab` object for this field from one or more datasets. If the vocabulary has already existed, this function will have no effect. Args: data (Union[Dataset, Iterable[Dataset]]): One or more :class:`` object. One of the attributes should be named after the name of this field. min_freq (int): The minimum frequency needed to include a token in the vocabulary. Default: 1. embed (Embedding): An Embedding object, words in which will be extended to the vocabulary. Default: ``None``. norm (Callable): Callable function used for normalizing embedding weights. Default: ``None``. """ if hasattr(self, 'vocab'): return @wait def build_vocab(data): return Vocab(counter=Counter(token for seq in progress_bar(getattr(data, for token in self.preprocess(seq)), min_freq=min_freq, specials=self.specials, unk_index=self.unk_index) if isinstance(data, Dataset): data = [data] self.vocab = build_vocab(data[0]) for i in data[1:]: self.vocab.update(build_vocab(i)) if not embed: self.embed = None else: tokens = self.preprocess(embed.tokens) # replace the `unk` token in the pretrained with a self-defined one if existed if embed.unk: tokens[embed.unk_index] = self.unk self.vocab.update(tokens) self.embed = torch.zeros(len(self.vocab), embed.dim) self.embed[self.vocab[tokens]] = embed.vectors if norm is not None: self.embed = norm(self.embed) return self
[docs] def transform(self, sequences: Iterable[List[str]]) -> Iterable[torch.Tensor]: r""" Turns a list of sequences that use this field into tensors. Each sequence is first preprocessed and then numericalized if needed. Args: sequences (Iterable[List[str]]): A list of sequences. Returns: A list of tensors transformed from the input sequences. """ for seq in sequences: seq = self.preprocess(seq) if self.use_vocab: seq = [self.vocab[token] for token in seq] if self.bos: seq = [self.bos_index] + seq if self.eos: seq = seq + [self.eos_index] yield torch.tensor(seq, dtype=torch.long)
[docs] def compose(self, batch: Iterable[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Composes a batch of sequences into a padded tensor. Args: batch (Iterable[~torch.Tensor]): A list of tensors. Returns: A padded tensor converted to proper device. """ return pad(batch, self.pad_index).to(self.device, non_blocking=True)
[docs]class SubwordField(Field): r""" A field that conducts tokenization and numericalization over each token rather the sequence. This is customized for models requiring character/subword-level inputs, e.g., CharLSTM and BERT. Args: fix_len (int): A fixed length that all subword pieces will be padded to. This is used for truncating the subword pieces exceeding the length. To save the memory, the final length will be the smaller value between the max length of subword pieces in a batch and `fix_len`. Examples: >>> from supar.utils.tokenizer import TransformerTokenizer >>> tokenizer = TransformerTokenizer('bert-base-cased') >>> field = SubwordField('bert', pad=tokenizer.pad, unk=tokenizer.unk, bos=tokenizer.bos, eos=tokenizer.eos, fix_len=20, tokenize=tokenizer) >>> field.vocab = tokenizer.vocab # no need to re-build the vocab >>> next(field.transform([['This', 'field', 'performs', 'token-level', 'tokenization']])) tensor([[ 101, 0, 0], [ 1188, 0, 0], [ 1768, 0, 0], [10383, 0, 0], [22559, 118, 1634], [22559, 2734, 0], [ 102, 0, 0]]) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.fix_len = kwargs.pop('fix_len') if 'fix_len' in kwargs else 0 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def build( self, data: Union[Dataset, Iterable[Dataset]], min_freq: int = 1, embed: Optional[Embedding] = None, norm: Callable = None ) -> SubwordField: if hasattr(self, 'vocab'): return @wait def build_vocab(data): return Vocab(counter=Counter(piece for seq in progress_bar(getattr(data, for token in seq for piece in self.preprocess(token)), min_freq=min_freq, specials=self.specials, unk_index=self.unk_index) if isinstance(data, Dataset): data = [data] self.vocab = build_vocab(data[0]) for i in data[1:]: self.vocab.update(build_vocab(i)) if not embed: self.embed = None else: tokens = self.preprocess(embed.tokens) # if the `unk` token has existed in the pretrained, # then replace it with a self-defined one if embed.unk: tokens[embed.unk_index] = self.unk self.vocab.update(tokens) self.embed = torch.zeros(len(self.vocab), embed.dim) self.embed[self.vocab[tokens]] = embed.vectors if norm is not None: self.embed = norm(self.embed) return self
[docs] def transform(self, sequences: Iterable[List[str]]) -> Iterable[torch.Tensor]: for seq in sequences: seq = [self.preprocess(token) for token in seq] if self.use_vocab: seq = [[self.vocab[i] if i in self.vocab else self.unk_index for i in token] if token else [self.unk_index] for token in seq] if self.bos: seq = [[self.bos_index]] + seq if self.eos: seq = seq + [[self.eos_index]] if self.fix_len > 0: seq = [ids[:self.fix_len] for ids in seq] yield pad([torch.tensor(ids, dtype=torch.long) for ids in seq], self.pad_index)
[docs]class ChartField(Field): r""" Field dealing with chart inputs. Examples: >>> chart = [[ None, 'NP', None, None, 'S*', 'S'], [ None, None, 'VP*', None, 'VP', None], [ None, None, None, 'VP*', 'S::VP', None], [ None, None, None, None, 'NP', None], [ None, None, None, None, None, 'S*'], [ None, None, None, None, None, None]] >>> next(field.transform([chart])) tensor([[ -1, 37, -1, -1, 107, 79], [ -1, -1, 120, -1, 112, -1], [ -1, -1, -1, 120, 86, -1], [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 37, -1], [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 107], [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]]) """
[docs] def build( self, data: Union[Dataset, Iterable[Dataset]], min_freq: int = 1 ) -> ChartField: @wait def build_vocab(data): return Vocab(counter=Counter(i for chart in progress_bar(getattr(data, for row in self.preprocess(chart) for i in row if i is not None), min_freq=min_freq, specials=self.specials, unk_index=self.unk_index) if isinstance(data, Dataset): data = [data] self.vocab = build_vocab(data[0]) for i in data[1:]: self.vocab.update(build_vocab(i)) return self
[docs] def transform(self, charts: Iterable[List[List]]) -> Iterable[torch.Tensor]: for chart in charts: chart = self.preprocess(chart) if self.use_vocab: chart = [[self.vocab[i] if i is not None else -1 for i in row] for row in chart] if self.bos: chart = [[self.bos_index]*len(chart[0])] + chart if self.eos: chart = chart + [[self.eos_index]*len(chart[0])] yield torch.tensor(chart, dtype=torch.long)